Kaitlyn's Wheel
A Novel
288 pages
Bancroft Press
Kaitlyn's Wheel is a teen romance with the supernatural element of a Steven Spielberg or JJ Abrams production. The novel shares the teen angst of John Green's novels brought to screen—Looking for Alaska (Hulu miniseries), The Fault in Our Stars (307mm box office), and Paper Towns (85.5mm box office against a budget of 12mm).
Add to that the magical realism of Field of Dreams, a classic “feel-good” movie that is referenced in the novel. As we've seen in recent years, audiences are craving “throwback” projects to more innocent times, e.g., Stranger Things and Super 8, both of which pay tribute to the '80s Spielbergian era.
Despite its feel-good tone, KW still tackles current issues impacting our future generations, such as climate change and robotics taking over jobs. In the end, it gives teens hope they can still make a difference, and during a time when our planet needs love more than anything to survive…
Author Bio
Chris Halvorson was born and grew up in Seattle, went to college in Alabama (University of North Alabama), graduate school in New York City (an MFA in Film from Columbia University, and now lives in Culver City, California.
He wrote the screenplay The Boondoggle for producer Joe Roth, the former head of Disney and Fox. It was packaged by CAA with Steve Carr (Mall Cop) attached to direct.
He adapted his novel The Santa Suit for Frank Konigsberg Productions, developed TV and film projects for The Meg producer Ken Atchity, and was hired to rewrite the action spy comedy Best Served Cold that was originally in development with Pierce Brosnan's Irish DreamTime.
With Home Alone producer Scott Rosenfelt, he co-created and produced the TV sitcom pilot Earth Mom.