Illustoria: For Creative Kids and Their Grownups
Issue #12: Upcycle: Stories, Comics, DIY
Elizabeth Haidle Joanne Chan
64 pages
Mcsweeney's Literary Arts Fund
Explore the wide world of creative re-use!
Meet artists who transform found objects into visual delights, and visit the Museum of Trash—curated rubbish collected by a sanitation worker. Learn about fungi, nature's original 'upcyclers', and raid your kitchen for materials that can be used to mix your own watercolors. Interactive pages, scattered throughout, invite readers to 'upcycle' this magazine by getting involved. Join in the joke-telling, book reviewing and playlist-making. Activities, games and DIY projects also revolve around this eco-friendly theme.
Illustoria is the official publication of the International Alliance of Youth Writing Centers, publishing writing and art by young people alongside accomplished professionals.
Praise for Illustoria Magazine
"This is the kind of magazine you keep on your bookshelves with your favorite books."
- Cece Bell, author of El Deafo
"It's a rewarding offering that I hope sticks around for many years down the line."
- Julie Danielson, Kirkus Reviews, blogger of Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
"(A) visually exciting magazine with a DIY attitude . . . offer(s) plentiful opportunities for engagement, while the quality artwork and inventive layouts are sure to inspire imaginative responses."
-School Library Journal
"Cover to cover, its content and aesthetics are smart, modern and engaging. Illustoria is a magazine I would've loved to have growing up."
- Michelle Sterling, Avery & Augustine