The XYZ of Discipleship
Understanding and Reaching Generations Y & Z
Nick Allan Marjorie Allan
232 pages
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
Today’s key challenge for the church in the West is to reach and raise the next generations – often missing or misunderstood – yet vital to the future of contemporary society and to Christianity. Drawing on 20 years of fruitful experience, and carefully analysing Britain’s present cultural context this book explores how to disciple today’s Millennial (Gen Y) generation and their teenage/early adult successors Gen Z. With plenty of positive insights into the opportunities these generations possess, it speaks into how to help build solid foundations of identity and purpose for young adults and assesses some of the biggest challenges to Christian discipleship in today’s culture. It will equip individuals who seek to mentor, parent or lead young adults into discipleship in the everyday and within church, as well as those of Y & Z age who are passionate to understand and disciple your own generation. It concludes with practical guidance and a passionate challenge to established churches who wish to reach these generations.Author Bio
Nick Allan ==========Revd. Nick & Marjorie Allan planted The Well Sheffield, a Baptist church known in the UK for its innovative use of social media and for successfully reaching and discipling students and young adults. They regularly speak at conferences and church growth training, and co-host the Wise Lives podcast/YouTube show. They enjoy raising their 3 children, keeping fit, reading, hiking with their Border Collie and good coffee.