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Introduction to the organic nomenclature system

260 pages
Arcler Education Inc
According to the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the organic chemistry nomenclature is a technique for naming organic chemical compounds in chemical nomenclature. It is presented in the Organic Chemistry Nomenclature (OCN). Guidelines for systematic nomenclature of organic compounds developed by the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry and frequently updated. The stem name, prefix, and suffix are the three main components of the IUPAC nomenclature for organic compounds. It is highlighted in this volume that the use of alternative names to draw attention to structural characteristics shared by a number of compounds, or to take into account a particular context does not preclude the use of preferred IUPAC names. The "preferred IUPAC nomenclature" includes the names that are chosen by the institution. In the context of "general IUPAC nomenclature," any name other than a preferred IUPAC name is acceptable as a standard IUPAC name as long as it is unambiguous and adheres to the principles of the IUPAC recommendations herein.
Author Bio
Rainer Roldan Fiscal is an Associate Professor V at the Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan Campus, Philippines. He graduated Bachelor of Secondary Education major in General Science, Master of Arts in Teaching Science and Technology, and Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Educational Leadership and Management. He teaches Biological Science, Physical Science, and Research courses in the undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs. He presented research papers at national and international conferences in the Philippines and other countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. He published research articles in international journals and has citations.