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Advances in plant cold hardiness

270 pages
Arcler Education Inc
The negative consequences of abiotic stress are a significant contributor to the worldwide decline in agricultural production. The severe abiotic stress of cold has an impact on the total output of the world's agriculture sector. Temperatures that are too low have an effect on the global distribution, growth, and development of species that are used in agriculture. The economic viability of agricultural output is greatly jeopardized when it is subjected to the stress of cold. The cold stress could lead to significant losses in agricultural production. This work reviews and analyzes a wide range of prior studies in order to gain a deeper comprehension of the physiological and genetic factors that contribute to cold tolerance in plant species. This article discusses recent developments in the study of genes that contribute to freezing tolerance as well as the mechanisms that are involved in gene regulation and signal transmission at low temperatures. The mechanisms that are discussed in this article include freezing tolerance, gene regulation, and signal transmission. The Arabidopsis plant contains a transcription factor family called CBF/DREB1; this family makes the Arabidopsis plant more resistant to the effects of freezing temperatures on other plants. The specifics of how this mechanism works are already well understood. This research looked into a variety of novel strategies, including the application of molybdenum, for enhancing the cold tolerance of plants. With the assistance of infrared cameras, it has also been feasible to examine the effects that low temperatures have on plants.
Author Bio
Dr. Hazem Shawky Fouda has a PhD. In Agriculture Sciences, obtained his PhD. from the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, 2008, MSc. In Agriculture Sciences from the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University in 2004, Post-Grade Diploma in Cotton, 2001, BSc. in Agriculture Sciences, from the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, 1997, worked in Cotton Arbitration & Testing General Organization (CATGO) from 1999 till 2018 was working in the International Cotton Training Center (ICTC) – Cotton Arbitration & Testing General Organization (CATGO) from 2000 till 2015, as a Lecturer & Classer’s Trainer for Egyptian and foreigner classers, technicians, ginners, spinners & traders in all cotton aspects. Besides that he was an editor and active member in the Research & Translation Committee, participating in issuing weekly, monthly and annually issues about the international & local cotton market including price trends and direction, recent developments & researches concerning cotton production, protection, harvesting, ginning, fiber testing, spinning & weaving since its foundation in 2000 till 2014 and from 2015 till 2018 he worked as an inspector, since 2018 till present works as a consultant.