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Vasant Deshmukh

244 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Paleoclimatology is the study of climate prior to the period of instrumental measurements. This book provides an enlightened approach towards the conceptualization of interacting components of the Earth system and their various features affecting the climate. This book elaborates paleoceanic techniques developed to gather data on stable isotopes, radiogenic isotopes, biogenic compounds and, elements. Additionally, paleoceanic processes such as paleotides, radiation, change in the oceanic base and, ice have been discussed in detail. Moreover, Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) modeling and methods of climate change have also been discussed. Through this book, we emphasized on worldwide climate change and its impact on human evolution. This book can deliver a great deal of vital information to scientists, environmentalists, policy makers, professors and students. Students and teachers from the background of environmental science, geology, petrology, botany, and zoology can take away valuable information from this book.
Author Bio
Dr. Vasant A Deshmukh did his under graduation with first class in Agriculture 2003, Masters in Agronomy with First class in 2005 and Doctoral studies with distinction in Agronomy in 2013 at V.N.M.K.V. Parbhani (MS). He served as Assistant professor at various colleges for 11 years for teaching Agronomy and Agricultural meteorology to under graduate students. Currently working as Programme Coordinator at KVK MGM Gandheli Aurangabad. He his 14 research paper with many technical papers to his credit. Actively engaged in trainings of farmers, rural youth and farm women and also act as a resource person in farm extension activities organized by different agencies. Published extension booklets, technical folders, articles, and posters for transfer of technology. Delivered TV talks and radio talks on technology transfer for farming community.