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Social Work with Adults

Sudha Menon

254 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Social Work with Adults examines various aspects of social workand its connection with the adults of present generation. Thebook includes the meaning of geriatric social work and the issuesrelated to the mental health of an adult. Provides the readerwith the insights into the development of knowledge base forsocial work with respect to the adults, so as to understand thevalue base for Social Workers.
Author Bio
Dr. Sudha Menon is a freelance consultant, researcher, activist and NGO professional based in Indiawith more than 17 years of experience in social sector documentation and public policy research. Sheholds MA and PhD in Political Science from University of Kerala. Since 2009, she has been workingfor the economic empowerment of informal sector women workers in South Asia. She is the authorof 12 books and many research papers published in reputed journals and magazines. Currently sheserves as the Trust Council Member of ‘Citizens Rights Watch’, an international NGO based in London.