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A 21-Day Prayer and Fasting Devotional Through the Gospel of John

Jeffrey Kent

199 pages
Crosslink Publishing

Are you satisfied spiritually? Or do you sometimes feel like you're going through the motions in your faith, but you know there must be more?

Satisfied is a chance to go deeper. If you are looking to dip your toe in the water of faith, this devotional is not for you. This is for those looking to jump in the deep end.

Satisfied is a 21-day devotional through the Gospel of John, that also incorporates fasting and prayer. Jeffrey will not only teach you about the biblical principle of fasting, but also help you to choose the right fast as you dedicate yourself to growing spiritually over these three weeks. Biblical fasting is not just about what we put down; it is about what we pick up in return.

Each day you will have a chance to dig into God's Word, reflect on it through a short devotional, apply the principles your life today, and finally, pray the Word back to God. As we deny ourselves physically and place our focus on Christ, we discover how to hear the voice of God more clearly. In the end, you will walk away knowing the heart of the gospel and the love of Jesus like never before.

As you commit to three weeks of immersion into the heart of Jesus, I believe God can radically reset your priorities. Jesus promised in Matthew 5:6 that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed because they will be satisfied.

Author Bio
Jeffrey Kent is a pastor at Christ Church. He has been teaching, preaching, and serving churches for over 20 years including nearly 3 years in China. Jeffrey received a B.A. in Religion from Louisiana College and a Master of Divinity from Liberty University.