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Take It To Heart

30 Days Through Revelation, A Devotional Workbook for Women

Rachel Schmoyer

145 pages
Crosslink Publishing

You can read the book of Revelation with confidence and understanding when you take it to heart.

Too often we read the book of Revelation with a narrow focus on the End Times. With this devotional guide, you will focus on what God wants you to take to heart for your life today.

Be encouraged to rely on the Holy Spirit for boldness. Be challenged to share the gospel with those who do not know Christ as their Savior. Be secure in Christ's provision and protection. Worship God because of His justice.

Each section of this 30 day devotional includes a short devotion, key verse, take it to heart prayer, and a question for further study or thought. The guide may also be used for small group Bible study. Discussion questions and free access to short teaching videos are included.

Author Bio
Rachel Schmoyer is a writer and speaker who encourages Christians to find simple truth in complex parts of Scripture. She has a B.S. in Bible and a B.S. in Education from Cairn University. She blogs at ReadtheHardParts.com.