Twenty Questions for Robbie Dunkle
J. Gabriel Scala
20 pages
The Kent State University Press
"Inspired by the story of Secundus the Silent Philospher and the twenty vital questions posed to him my Emperor Hadrian, J. Gabriel Scala’s Twenty Questions for Robbie Dunkle moves swiftly and deftly into the essence of human existence/memory. Imbued with that ancient consideration, Robbie Dunkle emerges as a chance metaphor for the poet’s own past, the dead past, which becomes our past, with all of its wonders and wastes, which only brilliant poetry can revive this powerfully." —Larissa Szporluk. "J. Gabriel Scala’s series of unanswerable questions to seventh-grade companion Robbie Dunkle are singular pebbles, marked with vivid details of a lost but living time and place. Scala throws them far into the water until they resonate, sending circles out into the abyss, captivating us in the endless human process of cycling through the past." —Annie Finch.