A wellness devotional for the whole Christian Life
Jo Acharya Dan Acharya
304 pages
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
Refresh is a companion for people on their Christian journey. It is a flexible way to fit time with God into a busy life, and designed to help find space to slow down and reflect. The devotionals are short and accessible, designed to meet people whatever stage of life they find themselves at. Refresh helps people discover that God has a lot to say about how to live a healthy life especially for people struggling with their physical or mental health. The teaching is sensitive to different life circumstances and challenges, and the flexible format provides an easy, low-energy way to engage with God. Each topic encourages people to think about a different area of life. The questions and weekly reflections help work towards positive changes, where extra support might be needed.Author Bio
Jo Acharya ==========Jo has worked with disabled clients for fifteen years as a support worker and music therapist. She lives with cystic fibrosis, and has been a Christian since she was thirteen. Jo loves to make the Bible easier for others to understand. She is married to Dan and they are members at Crawley Community Church, where they help to lead a small group for people with additional learning needs.
Dan Acharya ===========Dan works in the railway and became a Christian at the age of 27. He has a passion for capturing the beauty and quirkiness of God’s creation and on his days off can often be found up on a muddy hill with a camera.