Making the Mummies Dance
Would-be Preachers Delivering Life-Giving Sermons
Chris Spicer
208 pages
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
21st Century peaching needs help. Much of what passes as modern preaching is often nothing more than the bland leading the bland with horrible snore-inducing sermons or tiresome imitation TEDTALKS. How do we take that which has the potential to give life and make it live? How do we do thins thing called preaching better? Believing the best preachers are yet to come, Chris Spicer kickstarts a lively and constructive conversation among would-be preachers. Making the Mummies Dance is a manual for the kind of preaching that changes peoples' lives. The ten helpful tips in this book will prove invaluable for that great and epic task.Author Bio
Chris Spicer ============Chris Spicer is a preacher and teacher with over fifty years of experience working with Christian communities and learning centres throughout Europe and North America. Having lived in Portland, Oregon and Peoria, Illinois, Chris now lives in England. Chris and his wife Tina have four adult children and eight rock-star grandchildren. Chris's other titles include No Perfect Fathers Here, JJ and the Big Bend, The Reel Story, and Life on the Hill.