Goodnight Lisa, See You in the Morning
A Mother's Fight for her Disabled Child
Ana Nolan
200 pages
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
“She will gradually waste away. There is no cure.” When her baby daughter Lisa was diagnosed with an incurable muscle-wasting condition, Ana Nolan was devastated. As Lisa grew older, her hearing and eyesight were affected by the disease and she had to change schools a number of times. As Lisa’s condition deteriorated even more, Ana – now a single parent Mum – turned to God, asking him to help her. In Goodnight Lisa, See You In The Morning Ana shares the story of her beautiful little girl and how their lives were forever changed the day Lisa came into the world. Her moving memoir is both heart-wrenching and heart-warming. As you read you will be encouraged by Ana’s honesty, challenged by her strength and faith, and utterly captivated by her little girl, Lisa, whose indomitable spirit and smile shine forever in the pages of this book.Author Bio
Ana Nolan =========Ana Nolan is an author, speaker and visionary with over twenty years experience in health care. Coming through rejection, divorce and bereavement has enabled her to share an
inspirational message of hope and healing around the world. Ana has lived in South Africa for six years and currently resides in East Sussex.