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Comma After Love

Raeburn Miller

112 pages
University of Akron Press
From more than nine hundred poems left behind at the poet's death, Donald Justice has chosen the seventy-four representative works that comprise The Comma After Love: Selected Poems of Raeburn Miller: By turns rueful and amused, intimate and restrained, these poems speak movingly about the difficulties of love and faith, the pleasures of friendship and poetry, the lonliness and disappointments of the solitary life. In his introduction to this volume, Donald Justice calls Raeburn Miller a natural poet who found writing a thing he did simply as a part, an important part, of staying alive, and discovers in these poems an expansive and unshakably romantic spirit that drives the work and in the end proves exhilarating.
Author Bio
Raeburn Miller was born in 1934 in Austin, Texas. He completed a BA at the University of Texas, and an MA at the University of Iowa, where he studied with Donald Justice. Miller taught in the Department of English at the University of New Orleans from 1960 until his death in 1990. Two chapbooks and one full-length collection of poems, Millenary, were published during his lifetime.