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Agriculture and fisheries

302 pages
Arcler Education Inc
For a long time, the fishery resource had been considered as inexhaustible given the modes of fishing. This influenced the attitudes of Fishers, scientists, managers, and politicians therefore, complicating efforts to establish effective restrictions on Fishing activities. By the second half of the 20th century, the paradigm of inexhaustibility could not hold, due to the advent of large-scale industrial fishing and far-off fleets. With a mismatch in fishing history and fishery management efforts its hard to estimate the baseline for managements. This book gives the audience some of the scientific management efforts and the organizations involved. The book also explains the different types of fisheries and fisheries management strategies that lead to sustainable livelihoods. Mathematical approaches are also provided in this book to enable the reader in determining the health status of a fishery. For readers interested in fishery managements the book offers considerations and guidelines on both gear and technical approaches to responsible fisheries. The book can help in providing basics of scientific fisheries managements to the various stakeholder at different instances of a fishery health.
Author Bio
Nekesah T. Wafullah is a skilled agriculture expert from Kenya with extensive knowledge in agricultural energy value addition products, agricultural business management services, project management, various forms of fertilizer, their production, sales, marketing aspects and application regimes; cross border fertilizer trade policies; youth and women empowerment and volunteerism. She is adept at project planning and management as well as creating simple solutions to complex problems. She has experience within agricultural markets in Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)- Bukavu and Lubumbashi and Uganda. She mentors high school and college students and advocates for better performance in Agricultural science. During her free time, she loves editing books, watching movies, cooking, baking, networking, reading and dancing. Nekesah holds an M Sc. In Agricultural and Applied Economics degree from the University of Nairobi with a major in International Trade and Policy.