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270 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Cornell university estimates that 14 billion dollars’ worth of seed in the USA is pollinated by bees. Therefore, an extinction of bees would cause an economic and food security catastrophe. With this kind of emphasize on the need for bees in the ecosystem the study of bees (apiculture) is quite important. This apiculture book helps the reader understand bees in detail and using diagrams ad illustrations explains beekeeping. Th book shows the bee parts, bee types and beehive types. The book further explores and discusses safety precautions and bee equipment. The book also tackles apiary management, in regards to general management practices, maintenance and colony management. In addition, bee nutrition is discussed per season with proper tips on bee nutrition requirement and best honey plants and pollen plants. Another aspect that is well covered is bee’s pest and diseases, here a the most economically important pest and diseases are well discussed, there symptoms and their biological, chemical and physical control. To finalize, the book looks at beekeeping with common bee species, end products, management and marketing. This book is a good source of information for all levels of beekeepers from professional to beginner and smallholder to large scale bee farming.
Author Bio
Nekesah T. Wafullah is a skilled agriculture expert from Kenya with extensive knowledge in agricultural energy value addition products, agricultural business management services, project management, various forms of fertilizer, their production, sales, marketing aspects and application regimes; cross border fertilizer trade policies; youth and women empowerment and volunteerism. She is adept at project planning and management as well as creating simple solutions to complex problems. She has experience within agricultural markets in Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)- Bukavu and Lubumbashi and Uganda. She mentors high school and college students and advocates for better performance in Agricultural science. During her free time, she loves editing books, watching movies, cooking, baking, networking, reading and dancing. Nekesah holds an M Sc. In Agricultural and Applied Economics degree from the University of Nairobi with a major in International Trade and Policy.