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Islamic Marketing

Atia Alam

235 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Introduction to Islamic Marketing considers various aspects of Islamic Marketing including an extensive overview of Islamic Marketing and related terms. It includes Introduction of Marketing, Islamic Marketing (Basic Concepts in Islam), the largest integrated approach in the History of Marketing, the psychographics of Muslim consumer, principles of Islamic Marketing. Provides the reader with insights into the development of its history, so as to understand Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) as a dealer and monitor, The women and Islamic Marketing, conventional and Islamic Marketing.
Author Bio
Ms. Atia Alam is working as an Assistant Professor in Hajvery University, Lahore, Pakistan. She has earned MS degree in Management Sciences in 2010. She has recently submitted her PhD thesis at COMSTAT Institute of Information Technology. Ms. Atia Alam has various publications in the field of Finance and Marketing and is an active participant of conferences in the field of finance, marketing and management.