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What Does God Want You To Do Before You Die?

30 Devotions To Help You Begin Living Your Purpose

Callie Daruk

129 pages
Crosslink Publishing

Death will come certainly but it may come suddenly.

Through her own struggle to find purpose, author Callie Daruk opens our eyes to the importance and urgency of fulfilling our callings. Her thought-provoking reflections cause you to look into your own heart and stir you to ask for yourself the question we should all be asking, What Does God Want You to do Before You Die?

It's time to take a long hard look at ourselves. Have we as Christians asked what it is we're supposed to be doing with our lives? Have we accomplished what we've set out to accomplish? What are the gifts and callings God has placed on our lives and are we using them?

These 30 devotions are designed to help you discover at least one thing God wants you to do before you die and launch you toward accomplishing it.

Author Bio
Callie Daruk is an award-winning author and speaker who encourages others to seek Christ with their whole heart. She is the founder of Rooted & Grounded, LLC. Her writing has appeared in Focus on the Family, Kids Clubhouse, The Upper Room, and more. Connect with her at calliedaruk.com.