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On Making Choices

Margaret Silf

96 pages
SPCK Group
Decisions, decisions - we have to make hundreds of them every day! And, as the range of choices we make increases, so too does the accompanying stress... This handy book seeks to make the process more fruitful, more focused and less stressful. It uses a few simple tools that combine the wisdom of ancient spiritual traditions with the common sense of the 21st century and looks at questions such as: - How do we decide what choices to focus on? - How do we learn to be true to ourselves? - How do we implement our choices? - Can we change course if we get things wrong? Through offering suggestions - not rules - and short, accessible chunks of text, Margaret Silf encourages us to trust our own hearts and minds. Publishing at the same time as On Prayer by the same author.
Author Bio
MARGARET SILF is a writer and retreat leader. Her books include Landmarks: An Ignatian Journey, Sacred Spaces: Stations on a Celtic Way and One Hundred Wisdom Stories. She is married with one daughter and lives in Crewe.