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Shaping Film Festivals In a Changing World

Practice and Methods

304 pages
Amsterdam University Press
This volume is a collective attempt on the part of a community of academics, film festival curators, and archivists to come to terms with practical and intellectual challenges of the pandemic and post-pandemic realities affecting cultures of film festivals. The collection draws contours of critical inquiry orienting current film festival research and practice to explore new directions in archiving and decolonizing practices and big data analysis in the post-Covid-19 context and beyond. The four-part study gathers the voices of academics and practitioners who engage in a dialogue to articulate critical areas for both study and practice of film festivals, and identifies conceptual tools to address them: “Archival Turn,” “Decolonizing Film Festival Studies,” “Post-Covid-19 and Film Festival Studies” and “Data Visualization and Film Festival Research and Practice.”
Author Bio
Dorota Ostrowska is a senior lecturer in film and modern media at Birkbeck, University of London. She has written extensively about Polish and French film and TV histories, and film festival cultures. She is the author of Reading the French new wave: critics, writers and art cinema in France (2008), European Cinemas in the Television Age (co-edited with G. Roberts, 2007), Popular cinemas in Central and Eastern Europe: film cultures and histories (co-edited with F. Pitassio and Z. Varga, 2017). She is working on a monograph on the cultural history of international film festivals with special focus on questions of space, programming and spectatorial experience. Tamara L. Falicov is the inaugural dean of the UMKC School of Humanities and Social Sciences and author of Latin American Film Industries and The Cinematic Tango: Contemporary Argentine Film. Her research interests range from Latin American film festival research to assisting medical researchers in understanding language and culture in the treatment of Latinx patients and families.