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Revive the Past

Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Beijing, China, 12-16 April 2011

Philip Verhagen mingquan Zhou Iza Romanowska Zhongke Wu Pengfei Xu

393 pages
Amsterdam University Press
The present volume consists of the peer-reviewed papers presented at the CAA2011 conference held in Beijing, China between April 12 and 16, 2011. The theme of this conference was “Revive the Past”, which means retrieving our history and using it to help create a new civilization. It was a great honour to organize the conference where over 130 researchers made presentations; ten keynote speeches were given; and sixteen sessions covered a wide variety of topics: data acquisition and recording, conceptual modelling, data analysis, data management, digging with words, 3D models, visualizing heritage sites, digital spaces for archaeology, geophysics, GIS, graphics in archaeology, visualisation in archaeology, semantic technologies, spatial prediction, visualization and exhibition, and 3D object reconstruction. In addition, student papers and posters were presented.
Author Bio
Mingquan Zhou is professor at the College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University. Mingquan Zhou is professor at the College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University.