A satisfying story of rediscovering friendship after time spent apart.
For many years, Hazel and Mabel were inseparable. The two friends made up stories, spent the night together, and shared their snacks. Then, Mabel moved away. As time passes, Hazel and Mabel think of each other often, but they also make new friends and try new activities. When Mabel returns for a visit, Hazel is thrilled. They will pick up right where they left off… won't they? They take turns suggesting activities - cartwheels, skipping stones, tossing a ball - but nothing works for both of them. Just when they think they have nothing in common anymore, both friends rediscover their love of imagination and stories.
This sweet story pairs lyrical text with charming illustrations in a unique look at what happens long after a friend moves away. Perfect for families, classrooms, and school counselors, this lovely story explores the challenges - and rewards - of long-distance and lasting friendships.
Author Bio
Melissa Stoller writes heartfelt children’s books to add joy, love, and the magical power of connection to the world. She lives in New York City with her husband, three children, and puppy. Like Hazel and Mabel, Melissa enjoys adventures with friends and family, imagining cloud shapes, and writing letters and stories. Melissa encourages all children to find their voices and tell stories only they can tell. Find about more about her at www.MelissaStoller.com.Anita is a Hungarian born and raised, self-taught, digital illustrator, visual storyteller, currently living in Bournemouth, UK. She is Mum of two wonderful neurodivergent girls, with whom she experiences how easily one can step into mind-blowing fantasy worlds through storytelling. This experience inspires her to tell heartfelt, meaningful stories with quirky, detailed, whimsical illustrations; stories that spark further conversations, deeper thinking, and positive change. Anita is determined to add her art to missing voices, to help children become more confident in believing in themselves.
Anita also creates child friendly art for climate campaigns in collaboration with Our Kids Climate, Mothers Rise Up and Parents For Future. Her artwork was included in the travelling group art exhibition of the 'Our Other Mother' climate campaign in numerous countries around the globe. Find out more about her at https://anitabadgiart.com.