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Nudi Gill

Poison Powerhouse of the Sea

32 pages
Gnome Road Publishing

A 2023 Nevada Center for the Book "Great Reads from Great Places" children's book selection!

Meet Gill, a flashy nudibranch (noo-de-brank) living a fierce and fascinating life in the ocean without a shell and completely . . .NAKED!

When a curious young snorkeler stumbles upon Gill, she learns there is more than meets the eye when it comes to her sassy new friend. This soft-bodied mollusk is anything but vulnerable, turning a diet of dangerous ocean creatures into a poisonous sting of its own. Found in unique shapes and colors in every ocean throughout the world, Gill and his diverse family of nudibranchs serve as a reminder that being small doesn't mean you can't have it all!

With illustrations as striking and colorful as Gill himself, this is an underwater adventure like no other where young readers can see for themselves what makes Gill and his fabulous family of nudibranchs tiny, but mighty poison powerhouses of the sea.

Author Bio
Bonnie Kelso writes and illustrates books for children and adults that encourage individualism and brave creative self-expression. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, she has a background in exhibit design and has worked on projects for NASA, National Geographic, and the Smithsonian Institution. Bonnie traveled all the way around the world, twice! An avid snorkeler and scuba diver, Bonnie has explored every sea or ocean she has come close to, except for the really cold ones. She still enjoys indulging her wandering nature whenever she gets the chance. To learn more about Bonnie visit https://bonniekelso.com.Bonnie Kelso writes and illustrates books for children and adults that encourage individualism and brave creative self-expression. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, she has a background in exhibit design and has worked on projects for NASA, National Geographic, and the Smithsonian Institution. Bonnie traveled all the way around the world, twice! An avid snorkeler and scuba diver, Bonnie has explored every sea or ocean she has come close to, except for the really cold ones. She still enjoys indulging her wandering nature whenever she gets the chance. To learn more about Bonnie visit https://bonniekelso.com.