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G. A. Morgan

298 pages
Islandport Press
In Book Two of The Five Stones Trilogy, Chase, determined to fulfill his promise to find the unifying Fifth Stone, finds the elusive Captain Nate and brings him back to the island of Ayda, where one realm is burning and two others are under siege from Dankar's dark forces of Exor. Meanwhile, Knox and Evelyn must trust a mysterious guide to help them find a way back, though each has their own personal struggle to overcome. All three children must decide if they can put their own needs—and fears—aside to save their friends and family.
Author Bio
G. A. Morgan is the author of The Fog of Forgetting and Chantarelle, the first two books in The Five Stones Trilogy, and several nonfiction works under her full name, Genevieve Morgan. She grew up in New York City and spent every summer of her childhood in Maine. She now lives and works in Portland, Maine.