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The Grand Change

William Andrews

200 pages
Nimbus Publishing
William Andrews' first novel examines life in a small PEI community in the 1940s and 50s as changes, so common in the rest of the world, begin to take hold. Using a road as an allegory, he weaves a lyrical tale of simple country people, their struggles and their joys. The story is told through the eyes of a boy called Jake: he is the witness to life on the Hook Road and the events that change that life forever. The book is in some ways like a long poem: the people and the world they inhabit are richly and meticulously described, and the superb writing takes the reader to a world no one will ever see again.
Author Bio
William Andrews was born and raised during the forties andfifties on a mixed farm in Freetown, PEI. He left home young,shifted around a lot and tried a lot of things. He marched inregular peace time army, fished gill net on Lake Erie, sang gospelin Maritime penal institutions, carved wood in Japan anddid a lot of labour type jobs in a lot of places. He was encouragedto write while at UPEI in 1970-71. He started writing in1995. His main writing inspiration comes from being prettywidely read.