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Those Who Wait:

Finding God in Disappointment, Doubt and Delay

Tanya Marlow

220 pages
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
Everyone is waiting for something: a bus; a spouse; better health; a fresh chance; a true home. Ultimately, we're waiting for Christ to return and the world to be put right. Waiting is hard. What if the Bible is more honest than we are? What if our struggle with waiting has spiritual value? Follow the lives of four Bible heroes who struggled with waiting: Sarah, Isaiah, John the Baptist and Mary. Those Who Wait is written like a gripping novel, as we encounter the wonder of the Bible afresh Providing empathy, purpose and perspective for those mired in doubt and disappointment it includes six Bible studies, plus creative exercises and reflective questions. Perfect for personal devotion or church group discussion.
Author Bio
Tanya Marlow ============ Tanya Marlow is a writer, speaker and broadcaster on faith and spirituality. She is the author of Coming Back to God When You Feel Empty (2015) and a contributor to Soul Bare (InterVarsity Press, 2016). For a decade she was a Christian minister and subsequently a lecturer in Biblical Theology. Now housebound with severe M.E., she maintains a writing ministry from her bed and campaigns for others with chronic illness and disability.