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Manly Dominion

Mark Chanski

247 pages
Calvary Press
Mark Chanski's book is a clarion call to all Christian men to face life's challenges with manly dominion. It will challenge and encourage you to lead, wherever God places you, with Spirit-filled conviction. The wisdom contained herein is from the most reliable source known: God's Word, the Bible. As you will discover, Chanski touches on just about every subject that a man needs to consider in his life, and he does so with unequaled clarity.
Author Bio
Mark Chanski has labored as a full-time pastor since 1986 in churches in Ohio and Michigan. He has been pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church of Holland, Michigan, since 1994. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Cornerstone University and a master of divinity from Grand Rapids Seminary. Mark is married to his wife, Dianne, and has their four sons and one daughter, whose ages stretch from 24-14. His other works include the companion edition of this title, Womanly Dominion.