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To Be or Not To Be A Church Member

Wayne Mack

76 pages
Calvary Press
Should you commit yourself to membership in a local church? Isn't just being a Christian enough? Dr. Wayne Mack brings his years of experience as a Bible teacher, pastor, and counselor to this very controversial topic. His answers are straightforward and clear. Yes! You must become a church member if you're to be obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ and the clear teaching of the New Testament. No! Being a "lone wolf" Christian is not enough; you must join with a local body of believers in a church that teaches sound doctrine.
Author Bio
Dr. Wayne Mack is a noted teacher, author, counselor, and conference speaker. He has written several well-known books including the modern classics Strengthening Your Marriage and Your Family God’s Way. Dr. Mack is a graduate of Wheaton College, the Philadelphia Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary.