Title Thumbnail

Visual Histories from Medieval Iberia

Arts and Ambivalence

240 pages
Amsterdam University Press

This volume challenges popular assumptions and academic pieties​ regarding religion and identity on the Iberian​ Peninsula during the Middle​ Ages. Its studies of individual works of art and architecture uncoil complex​ histories from this religiously plural peninsula, intertwining social, cultural,​ and political identities across seven centuries. Chronicling relationships​ between religious groups that were neither idyllic nor irreconcilable, these​ works of art reveal instead expressions of religious separateness balanced​ within ambivalent and dynamic shared visual identities.

Author Bio
Jerrilynn Dodds ===============

Jerrilynn Dodds is Harlequin Adair Dammann Professor at Sarah Lawrence College, in Bronxville, New York. The author of numerous publications centring on transculturation in the arts, she was awarded the Cruz de la Orden del Mérito Civil by the King of Spain in 2018 for her contribution to the history of the arts of medieval Spain.