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Software Design

237 pages
Arcler Education Inc
This book is a comprehensive guide to the principles and practices of designing software systems. It covers topics such as software architecture, design patterns, object-oriented design, and software development methodologies. The book is intended for software developers, architects, and project managers who want to learn how to design effective software systems. By following the guidelines provided in this book, readers can create software that is maintainable, scalable, and adaptable to changing requirements.
Author Bio
Bechoo Lal, PhD. became a Member (M) of IAENG: International Association of Engineers, USA with membership (108820) in 2010, a Senior Member (SM) in 2019. I am doctorate PhD in Computer Science, PhD- Information System from University of Mumbai, Master from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), PGP- Data Science from Purdue University, USA. Currently working as a Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science & Engineering, KLEF- KL University Vijayawada Campus Andhra Pradesh, India. His research areas are data science, big data analytics and Machine Learning.