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260 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Entrepreneurship is the process of creating, developing, and managing a new business venture with the goal of making a profit or fulfilling a need in the marketplace. This textbook explores the principles and practices of starting and running a successful business. It provides readers with a practical understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset and the skills necessary to launch a new venture. The author provides real-world examples and case studies of successful entrepreneurs and their ventures. The book also offers insights into the challenges and risks associated with starting and running a business, and provides strategies for overcoming them.
Author Bio
João Heitor de Avila Santos, a distinguished expert in innovation, technology, and sustainability, brings his extensive experience in academia, consulting, and project management to his second book on consumer behavior. As an Associate Professor at UniLaSalle and a published author in the field of Innovation and Management of Technology, João's unique blend of expertise allows him to explore the intricacies of consumer behavior and its relationship with emerging technologies, sustainability, and social innovation. With this book he aims to make a global impact on understanding and shaping the future of consumer behavior.