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Introduction to analytical jurisprudence

248 pages
Arcler Education Inc
This book serves as a comprehensive introduction to analytical jurisprudence, exploring themes related to legal philosophy, the nature of law, the philosophy of justice, and fundamental legal concepts. It is invaluable for undergraduate students studying law, offering them a foundational understanding of legal theory. Practitioners in the legal field benefit from deepening their grasp of legal philosophy and its implications for the practice of law. Policymakers gain insights into the philosophical underpinnings of legal systems, which can inform the development of just and equitable laws. The general public also benefits from becoming more aware of the philosophical foundations of the legal system, fostering a greater understanding of the principles that underlie the law.
Author Bio
Dr. Anne Wad has been a researcher and a professor in the Criminal Justice field for over 30 years. She currently holds a position as a Provost/CAO in a University, and Director of Research at another university. She holds an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and a Ph.D. in Public Safety Leadership/Criminal Justice. Her research interests are in Criminology, Victimology, and the Human Services. She is married to Wesley Wade. She is an artist, writer, researcher, professor, and university administrator.