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Efficient and effective business management for small enterprises

225 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Small business management is the process of aligning and organizing all elements of a small firm, including its personnel, suppliers, finances, strategic plan, and day-to-day operations. Due to the massive fluctuations within and between sectors, small enterprises make up a volatile segment of the national economy. So, effective project management is essential in a small business means reaching the project goals on time and within budget, despite having fewer resources than large organizations. Also need to Provides highlights on small business in a changing world, small business and project management, and historical development of project management. Implementing process approach quality management, it focusses on process approach of ISO, plan do check act in the ISO 9001 standard. Further, involves Art database models for sales, marketing, customer management and more key business activities and also explains on tracking sales information for CRM, most popular CRM data models. It is essential to understand the small businesses and their challenges during covid-19 pandemic, on family business in 21st century, E-business and E-commerce and provide highlights about marketing and supply chain management. It also covers research Anthology on small business strategies for success and survival. The highlights on the drivers of innovation practices in SMEs, its importance and helps to understand entrepreneurship growth in emerging economies, focusses on importance of entrepreneurship, institutions and economic growth, ethical values in SMEs, developing and implementing ethics policy. This book provides highlights about the inventory costing methods for small business, the 4 inventory costing methods for business to use and gives some important survival tips for small business.
Author Bio
Dr Dheeraj Tatyasaheb Pathrikar has a total of 19 years working experience in teaching, research and extension with specialization in Agricultural Economics, farm management, agricultural Finance & Marketing and Agricultural cooperation. During his service carriers he worked in different capacities as Agricultural Assistant, Junior Research Assistant and senior research assistant. Involved in teaching of different courses to undergraduate and post graduate students. He has significant contribution in 04 research recommendations accepted by government of Maharashtra for the benefit of farmers. Dr. Dheeraj Tatyasaheb Pathrikar has many publication to his credit to mention: Research papers : 15, Papers published in internationally abstracted journals : 15, Papers presented in seminars : 10, Popular articles/ Extension papers :04and received Best Poster Presentation in 2017,Young Scientist Awards-2017 sponsored by IJTA and Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd .New Delhi, ICAR Vasantrao Naik award for research application in agriculture in 2018, Maharashtra Shikshan Agrocare Award 2018, Agrocare Award 2018,and State Government of Maharashtra Best Programme Officer of NSS in 2019. Also as In-charge of CIC Department of SSAC, VNMKVanalyzed soil, water, plant, food, fodder and fertilizer (samples) and generated the revolving fund amounting to 49,27,616/- (for the period 2014 to till date) and analyzed 14,416 Soil sample and distributed Soil Health Card