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Gender Equity and Equality

297 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Gender equality and equity represent crucial elements of a just and inclusive society, extending beyond slogans. These principles acknowledge how societal norms, laws, and cultural factors shape individuals' experiences based on gender. Striking a balance between gender equality and equity is pivotal for fostering a fair environment where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive, regardless of their gender. The book "Gender Equality & Equity" is a comprehensive book that helps readers understand these concepts and equips them with tools to work towards a more equitable world. At its core, the book discusses the legal foundations of gender equality and equity, which not only protect rights but also provide mechanisms to address gender-based discrimination. It emphasizes the vital role of women in leadership and recognizes both their contributions and challenges. The book addresses factors influencing gender differences and advocates for social protection. This book offers essential a deep understanding of gender equality and equity, empowering individuals to contribute meaningfully to a more just and inclusive society.
Author Bio
Rachael Moore is an LGBT+ activist and a DEI consultant who specialises in anti-racism, gender mainstreaming and helping organisations create inclusive workspaces and safe workplace culture. She holds Masters in International and European Law from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and has worked with governmental institutions and grassroots organisations across Europe. In 2018 she co-founded Rainbow Nation Brussels which works with and for LGBTQI+ persons who are Black and of colour. Besides being active in both local and European spheres of activism, Rachael finds it equally important to monitor global youth movements. As following the youth is following the future.