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Agricultural food and Nutrition

303 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Most of the small holder farmers providing the world with food are food insecure. This means that they don’t have enough food to eat thus their nutritional need are not met per day as per the recommendations of food and nutrition organizations. This book clearly educates the audience on specific agricultural, food and nutrition concepts and definitions to fully grasp what each means. The book also shows the importance of agriculture as a source of food and other food sources. The book further explains food quality and quantity recommended for healthy adults and children. Food and nutrition are affected by political, cultural and economic factors, this book looks at the different food guidelines provided by different regions based on the above factors. Food and nutrition are associated with health the book also looks at the association of overnutrition and undernutrition and the different type and their effect on health. The book further discusses the aspects (food safety, waste, policy and sustainable diets) to consider in declaring a country or individual food secure or insecure and the efforts being put in place to achieve this. Therefore, this book is a hive for information for all in regard to food and nutrition.
Author Bio
Nekesah T. Wafullah is a skilled agriculture expert from Kenya with extensive knowledge in agricultural energy value addition products, agricultural business management services, project management, various forms of fertilizer, their production, sales, marketing aspects and application regimes; cross border fertilizer trade policies; youth and women empowerment and volunteerism. She is adept at project planning and management as well as creating simple solutions to complex problems. She has experience within agricultural markets in Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)- Bukavu and Lubumbashi and Uganda. She mentors high school and college students and advocates for better performance in Agricultural science. During her free time, she loves editing books, watching movies, cooking, baking, networking, reading and dancing. Nekesah holds an M Sc. In Agricultural and Applied Economics degree from the University of Nairobi with a major in International Trade and Policy.