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Introduction to Indoor fish farming

255 pages
Arcler Education Inc
World population is growing exponentially with increasing demand in food security. Aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing, food-producing sectors accounting for nearly 50% of the world’s fish production. Aquaculture is culture of aquatic plants and animals in aquatic environment. Last few decades, aquaculture is becoming more reliable, efficient and sustainable source of high quality food production. Though, its major goal is to produce aquatic food for human consumption, but also has other goals, such as ornamental and sport fish cultivation. It also reduces stress on capture fishery which under threat due to over-fishing, habitat loss or other changes due to possible pollutants they have consumed or been exposed. However, aquaculture technology is continuously advancing through technological innovation to maximise yield/ha with less inputs and impact on environment. The farming of aquatic animals in controlled environment such as tanks, ponds or RAS in indoor premises is known as indoor fish farming. Indoor fish farming is one of the source of animal protein production to this day, especially in locations far from the sea. It allows fish to be raised in a controlled and optimised environment with increased control on water quality, feeding and diseases monitoring. Though, it requires significant initial investment, planning and expertise to establish, but has more advantages over open culture. Moreover, it is possible in urban area or area where land and water scarcity. Optimal water quality for the good health and growth of cultured fish species is achieved through proper oxygenation, feeding, filtration and removal of waste products to get control on ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. It too offers potential benefits in terms of water conservation, reduced environmental impact, efficient resource utilization, optimal FCR and risk of fish escapement. This book scientifically focuses on advances, operation, economics, management as well as challenges and safety in indoor aquaculture along with its impact on human beings. This book also touches SSFs, capture fisheries and its subsequent management. This book potentially serves as a manual for interested aquaculturist, policy makers as well as students pursuing graduation, post-graduation and research studies.
Author Bio
Dr. Dhanaji W. Patil is serving as Head and Assistant Professor in Department of Fishery Science, Toshniwal Arts, Commerce and Science College, Sengaon, Dist: Hingoli, Maharashtra. He completed his graduation in Bachelor of Fishery Science (B. F. Sc.) during 2003 and Master of Fishery Science (M. F. Sc.) during 2005 from Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli (MS). He has qualified NET (Fishery Science) conducted by National Agriculture Recruitment Board (ICAR), New Delhi in 2012. He completed Ph. D. in Fishery Science from Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra in 2020. He joined as Assistant Professor on October 2012 and his area of specialization is Aquaculture. He has field experience especially in field of Aquaculture prior to joining. He has completed two research projects funded by Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Mumbai. He has published 19 Research articles along with 02 book chapters and 05 extension publications. He organized one day National Conference on “Advances in Fisheries, Biological and Allied Research (AFBAR-2019)” during March 2019 as a Convener. He organized and conducted 04 training programs on aquaculture and fish seed production technologies for farmers and fishermen, 02 faculty development programs on Educational Video Creation- E content Development for teaching community all over India. He contributed as resource person in 14 Faculty Development Programmes conducted by different institutions of the country. He has also participated in several seminars and conferences and present his research work. He has developed E-content through YouTube Channel (Fisheries Only). He is also member of Asian Fisheries Society.