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Advertising and Sales Management

261 pages
Arcler Education Inc
This book focuses on the key principles and strategies for developing effective advertising and sales campaigns. It covers topics such as market research, target audience identification, message creation, media planning, sales techniques, and sales team management. The book is designed to help students and professionals in the field of marketing to understand the role of advertising and sales in achieving business goals. With practical examples and case studies, the book provides insights into the latest trends and best practices in advertising and sales management.
Author Bio
Dinesh Kumar is an accomplished Professor, author, and trainer with over 25 years of experience in the field of Marketing and Management. He holds a Ph.D. in Marketing, an MBA with a major in Marketing, an MA in English, and a BA Honours in English. Dinesh Kumar has taught at several management institutes in India and has been a visiting Professor at the Institute of Professional Education and Research (IPER), Bhopal, since July 2022. He has also been involved in CAT teaching for 14 years. He has authored five international books on Marketing, including Marketing in the Digital Era, Rural Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities, The Connected Consumer, Consumer Behaviour, and Marketing Channels. Oxford University Press has published Dinesh Kumar's book on Marketing Channels, and his other works have been published by reputed publishers such as Sage New Delhi and Business Expert Press New York. Dinesh Kumar's achievements also include being the Director of Mastermind Consultants, Chandigarh, teaching and training MBA-CAT aspirants. With his deep theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing and Management, Dinesh Kumar continues to inspire aspiring Marketing professionals.