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Smart Thermodynamics

Lokesh Pandey

262 pages
Arcler Education Inc
The book ‘Smart Thermodynamics’ brings to the knowledge of the readers - the various concepts related to thermodynamics and also relates them with the manner in which they can be applied to produce some smart results. Thermodynamics has been perceived in a very different and sustainable light and it has been tried to show the way in which it can be applied in a smart way to achieve unbelievably sustainable results. Thermodynamics is a very vast field and has numerous applications which when given a smart twist can be of extreme usefulness.
Author Bio
Lokesh Pandey is currently pursuing his PhD in Mechanical Engineeing from Uttarakhand Technical University, India, where he also completed his M.Tech in Thermal Engineeing. He has more than 3 years teaching experience as a Faculty for Mechanical Engineering. He has published articles in reputed Journals and has also chaired many conferences and workshops.