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Grassland Management

Stephanya Lynn JonasLabee

251 pages
Arcler Education Inc
The book ‘Grassland Management’ informs the readers about the several aspects related to the management and looking after of the grasslands. Farming as well as cattle rearing requires an intensive care of the various kinds of grasslands. There are several important techniques involved and a lot of study on how to properly manage the grasslands. The study of such a subject gives improved results in agriculture as well as animal husbandry and hence, better returns. This book explains the various important aspects of grassland management to the readers for their benefit.
Author Bio
Stephanya Jonas-Labee has been passionate about the environment her whole life. After completing her bachelor's at UCSC, she moved to Amsterdam to earn her Master's of Earth Science with a focus on environmental management and sustainability from the University of Amsterdam. When not reading about new sustainable technologies, she enjoys traveling the world, trying out new vegan recipes, and working on her garden.