Title Thumbnail

General Physics

Nelson Bolívar

270 pages
Arcler Education Inc
This book on the topic of General Physics offers a thorough understanding of basic physical laws and concepts. The illustration of the physical concepts in a reader-friendly way helps the readers implement this conceptual knowledge to a broad variety of everyday problems. This book covers the most important fundamental aspects of classical as well as quantum physics. A vast variety of topics are discussed in this book which include Newton laws of motion, mechanics, statistical mechanics, waves, thermodynamics, etc. Most of the physical laws of laws of nature are demonstrated in the mathematical language. The readers are expected to have fundamental concepts of mathematics in order to completely understand the physical relations.
Author Bio
Nelson Bolivar completed his PhD. in physics from the University of Lorraine, France in 2014 and also from the Central University of Venezuela (U.C.V.). His expertise is in condensed matter and applications in quantum field theories. His interest areas are in spintronic devices and correspondences between general relativity and condensed matter as a new modeling method. He is currently an associated professor at the Central University of Venezuela.