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Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Marko Nikolic

243 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology informs the readers about what criminal justice means and gives them a brief introduction on criminology. It explains them the role of ethics in criminal justice research, the perpetual dimensions of crime and how the data is analyzed and used in the conduct of a research in criminology. Also discussed in the book are the ways of measuring crime, the need for prevention of it, the various ethical issues in the social and behavioral research and the explanation of the manner in which the evidence in crime is analyzed. The book provides the readers with insights in the evaluation of crime and its use in criminology research.
Author Bio
Marko obtained his Master’s degree from University of Belgrade - Faculty of Law in 2014. He specialized in Criminal Law, Family Law and Environmental Law. He spent his Master year studying about international child abduction. He is currently employed in Ministry of Defense’s Legal Department.