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Mathematical Analysis and Analytical Modeling

Ivan Stanimirovic

173 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Mathematical Analysis and Analytical Modeling provides the readers with the preliminary knowledge on mathematics and explains them the meaning of normal families. It talks about the iteration functions, fixed points and other kinds of sets in the mathematics. Also discusses in the book is the Baker theorem for the complexity invariant components in the set of Fatou, mathematical analysis of significant transformations, theoretical framework for it, application of analytical functions in educational research, and the methodological framework. The book also gives some concluding remarks on the subject matter.
Author Bio
Ivan Stanimirovic gained his PhD from University of Niš, Serbia in 2013. His work spans from multi-objective optimization methods to applications of generalized matrix inverses in areas such as image processing and computer graphics and visualisations. He is currently working as an Assistant professor at Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics at University of Niš on computing generalized matrix inverses and its applications.