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Physics of Solar Energy

Chenggui Sun

416 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Physics of Solar Energy discusses the fundamental concept of solar energy, solar cells and nano fluids. It also includes the technologies used for the conversion of solar to fuels and performance assessment of nanofluids in the solar energy and thermal properties of carbon black aqueous nano fluids for solar absorption. This book also discusses about ab initio design of nanostructures for solar energy conversion, design of inp nanowires for maximal solar energy harvesting, optical simulations of p3ht/si nanowire array hybrid solar cells, dual effect of tio2 and co3o4 co-semiconductors and nano-sensitizer on dye-sensitized solar cell performance and spectrum splitting for efficient utilization of solar radiation: a novel photovoltaic–thermoelectric power generation system. It also provides the reader with the fundamental insights of solar energy and its conversion to fuels so as to get better understanding of designing nanostructures for the conversion of solar energy and the effect of external applied electric field on the thermodynamic efficiency of the silicon solar cell and calcination temperature on the properties of czts absorber layer.
Author Bio
Dr. Chenggui Sun obtained his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo, a public research university with a main campus in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. His academic background is in the area of nanotechnology and membrane technology, which is at the interface between Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Sun enjoys the challenge of combining technology, engineering, and business expertise to contribute to organizational development in the context of a more sustainable, healthier world. He has proven ability to understand client needs and perspectives in order to formulate and implement strategic plans, and known networking and collaboration skills with a commitment to fostering growth in others. Dr. Sun is also reputable for approaching tasks with creativity, integrity, and drive to inspire cooperation and exceed expectations.