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Chemical and Biochemical Processes

Euan Russano Elaine Ferreira Avelino

324 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Chemical and biochemical processes examines various aspects of processes includingboth chemical and biochemical, along with an extensive overview of concepts andprinciples. It includes definitions of systems theory, chemical industrial process, conversion,yield, and costs, types of processes, engineering calculations, and modellingprinciples. Provides the reader with insights into the development of its history, so asto understand the Modeling Storage Tank and Development of a Simple Python ProcessSimulator, reactors and distillation processes like flash distillation and example onChemical and Biochemical Processes.
Author Bio
Euan Russano was born in Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a Chemical Engineersince 2012 by the Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Heobtained his Msc. in 2014 at UFRRJ, in the area of Chemical Engineering,with specializazion in Process Control. In 2014, Russano began todevelop his PhD at the University Duisburg-Essen (UDE) in the field ofWater Science. His carrer was initiated in a Petrobras project in the PolymersLaboratory, at UFRRJ. From 2012 to 2014 he worked in the FluidsFlow Laboratory (Petrobras/ UFRRJ) with oil well pressure control. Since 2014 he works as an researchassistant at the University of Duisburg-Essen, with water systems identification and control.