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Business Data Processing

Gerard Prudhomme

270 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Business Data Processing examines various aspects of data processingin business development including an extensive overviewof functional approaches, key data, governance, enterprise protection, the activity ofbusiness data processing, common features of the good contributions of business dataprocessing, the protection of personal data by the company. Provides the reader withinsights into the development of its history, so as to understand the Industry Professionals,The Functioning of Data Processing, Security and Safety of the Equipment, Business Endeavorsand associated risk, Business Data Processing Services, Business Data ProcessingMethodology.
Author Bio
Gerard I. Prudhomme has a graduate degree (M.S.) for Computer Sciencefrom University College London (UCL). He has also worked as a softwareprogrammer and tech writer for different Fortune 500 companies, andstudied at UCL, Harvard, and Oxford.