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Construction Robotics

Nelson Bolívar

278 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Construction Robotics examines various aspects of Construction Robotics including anextensive historical overview of Construction Robotics and related issues. It includes TheBasics of Construction Industry, History of Robotics in Construction, Economic Considerationof Robotic Implementation. The book provides the reader with insights into thedevelopment of its development, so as to understand the rise of construction robotics inthe industry and the crucial role they play in speed, accuracy and safety, when it comesto design complicated structures.
Author Bio
Nelson Bolivar has a PhD. in physics from the University of Lorraine inFrance finished in 2014. His expertise is in quantum systems and condensedmatter. His interest includes spintronic devices and correspondencesbetween general relativity and condensed matter. He is currently anassociate professor at the Central University of Venezuela