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Regional Development and Land Use Change

Quan Cui

385 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Land use/cover change (LUCC), especially conversion and degradation of natural land, is the key factor causing terrestrial carbon stocks declines in the world. As we noticed the main driving force of LUCC is human activities and socio-economic development, many types of research have been conducted. This book contains reviews on regional land-use change and socio-economic relations, special issues like deforestation and urbanization, environmental impacts of land-use change, LUCC on energy flow, specific elements stocks related with LUCC, carbon storage and LUCC, et al. Combing studies from different angles, this book give its readers an up-to-date concept about what regional development and land-use change can do to our society and nature.
Author Bio
Quan Cui obtained her PhD from Beijing Normal University in 2015. She worked as environmental impact assessment engineer for years. Aiming at linking science to policy, her study interest spans from ecosystem modelling to water resources management. She published peer-reviewed articles about using machine learning models in inflow forecasting, CO2 management and watershed ecosystem health assessment.