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Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere: Basic Physics and Applications to Earth’s Science

642 pages
Arcler Education Inc
The atmosphere behaves like a giant thermal engine in which disorganized energy is transformed into organized kinetic energy by the uneven absorption of solar radiation. The last one drives the circulation of the atmosphere by temperature differences between the polar and equatorial regions. Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere: Basic Physics and Applications to Earth’s Science book provides the physical basis for understanding the climate system: ideal gases, thermodynamics laws, the effects of gravity, the water in the atmosphere, cloud drops, mixtures, and thermal radiation.
Author Bio
Stefano Spezia was born in Erice (Italy) in 1981. He obtained a master's degree in Electronic Engineering (Telecommunications) at the University of Palermo in 2006, and in 2012, at the same university, he got a PhD degree in Applied Physics. From 2007 to 2014, he carried out research in the Physics of Complex Ecological Systems, Semiconductor Spintronics, Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics, publishing several works in international journals and books. Since 2014, high school teacher of Mathematics and Physics. He is also an amateur mathematician interested in integer sequences.