Air Carrier Operations
360 pages
Aviation Supplies & Acad Inc
Whether a Part 121 airline or a Part 135 charter operator, a company lives or dies by its compliance with the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, or FARs (14 CFR). Air Carrier Operations introduces students of aviation to the significant Federal Aviation Regulations affecting airline operations. Students and professionals gain an appreciation of the variety of regulatory issues involved in air carrier operations and gather the background information they need to identify and apply the relevant regulations.
This book examines the many regulations governing an air carrier and focuses primarily on Part 121 air carriers; in addition, coverage includes Part 119 and relevant portions of Parts 135, 91, 61 and 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. For this fourth edition, the authors update regulations including Part 111 and the Pilot Records Database as well as type ratings, class, and category. The text emphasizes Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight operations, particularly useful to instrument-rated pilots and aircraft dispatchers.
The authors collaborated with two seasoned Aircraft Dispatchers, enhancing the content relevant to students preparing for the FAA Aircraft Dispatcher Certificate. In addition, updates and revisions throughout reflect new FAA regulatory changes to provide students, pilots, flight crews, dispatchers, and management professionals with the essential information pertinent to today’s air carrier operations.
Air Carrier Operations is a college-level text ideal for Air Carrier Flight Operations and Airline Operations courses, is used extensively in Airline Dispatcher Training courses, and is an excellent preparation for airline interviews and initial airline pilot training.
Author Bio
Mark J. Holt, a captain for a major airline, soloed at age sixteen and has logged over 22,000 hours in more than 40 years of flying. He holds an ATP pilot certificate with Boeing 757/767, Airbus 319/320/321, and BAE Jetstream 41 type ratings, as well as a Flight Engineer Turbojet certificate (L1011 aircraft). His professional aviation career includes extensive flight and ground school instruction experience and service as a check airman for a large regional airline. He also co-authored The Turbine Pilot’s Flight Manual.
Phillip J. Poynor, J.D., holds an ATP certificate, has been captain qualified on Part 135 carriers, has taught courses on air carrier operations, advanced systems, and aviation safety, and is an aviation attorney. His awards include FAA/Industry 2001 National Flight Instructor of the Year, National Air Transportation Association Excellence in Pilot Training Award, and New York State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.