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Sustaining Revival

256 pages
Deep River Books Llc

There are occasions in biblical history where we see a breaking in of the spirit of God. In addition, there is a command and a promise that indicates the possibility of revival in all generations after Christ, in all places. The area inhabited by the Naga tribes, (much of this area was set up as Nagaland, a state of India, on Dec. 1, 1963), experienced such a visit from God in a series of waves during the 2nd half of the 20th century.

God's recent visitation in Nagaland was one of the most significant anywhere in the world. Yet little is available telling about it. This book fills that void.

"In a whole region of India, almost every soul came to Christ. Reading the stories in this book was almost shocking to me. Could I believe for this kind of revival? We must not dial down the promises. Every revival is an invitation to invoke the God of impossibilities to act again." - from the Foreword by Lou Engle, founder of The Send

“On more than a few occasions my jaw dropped while reading this manuscript… While these occurrences may seem outrageous or even conflict with our contemporary image of revival, they are nevertheless clear manifestations of the glory of God—revival!” —from the Afterword by Adam Narciso, founder of Jesus Movement Now

Author Bio
C. B. Newell is a journalist and researcher. He and his wife had the opportunity to visit Nagaland, India and interview participants in 2019.